At this stage I do not have a successful application or even a workable one.
The newer phone versions requirements make it harder to do this stuff. Most importantly at this stage I cannot stop the phone going into sleep mode and so aborting any attempt to follow a track or average a location.
I will probably not continue to chase my original goal of a useful navigation application. I have learned a lot however and have attempted to codify those lessons in templates and code libraries for future use.
Code Libraries published on GITHib
•IsNavUtils - Provides a RNavigateLongLat record to manipulate Longitude and Latitude references and the functions and constants required to achieve this.
•IsMobileSensors - My implementation of Delphi access to Mobile sensors. The code includes "dummy" sensors which allows code logic to be tested on Windows machines where no GPS sensors exists.
•IsPermissions - Codifying my way of dealing with Mobile permissions
•IsFmxGraphics - Two objects TIsGraphics and TNavGraphics used to plot a series on GPS locations an a canvas for examination.
Templates and Sample Applications
•SensorTabbedFormwithNavigation - Based on the TTabbedwithNavigationForm Template in Tokyo and extended to improve gesture support and to prevent inadvertent application closure.
•AndroidExamineSensors Program - Should Compile and run on Android 5.1 and above and on Windows with dummy sensor input.
•GoogleDirections - Simple sample program jumping from Delphi to Google Maps
•Help and Manual HTML Skins - To enable Help and more importantly the download page to be accessible from devices I needed a "Responsive" HTML files and so need to develop an acceptable Help and Manual "skin" (not shared on GITHub)
Copies of the prototype applications are available for download