INNOVA Solutions

String Lists, Linked Lists and Arrays

Presentation by Roger Connell at ADUG January 2013.


As part of a study of Delphi's container classes at Melbourne ADUG Roger stepped through a simple program demonstrating the power of the TStringList as an implementation of the TStrings Class. TStrings are a fundamental building block of both VCL and Firemonkey components.

The demo also looked at the uses of the more basic collection implementations of linked lists classes and array types. Linked lists and dynamic arrays require some understanding and need additional code to implement the things that one expects of a "Container". Dynamic arrays typically are used as the storage in Delphi supplied container classes.

The supplied code includes a range of simple library functions to aid in handling arrays.


Powerpoint Web Presentation


Click Here for Powerpoint Presentation, source code and data files

More on Linked Lists

Click Here for a more in depth look at the old Pascal favorite - Linked Lists

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